The Second-Entry Nursing Student Association (2NA) at York University was founded in 2000 after a group of students decided to turn their shared interests into an official University Club!
At 2NA, we seek to provide professional connections, mentorship, social and academic support to the 2ND Entry Nursing Students. We are an inclusive student community with a mission to create a meaningful student experience for all!
Meet the Team
Tenzin Chime (she/her)

About me:
Program: 2nd Entry Nursing
Cohort: Class of 2023
Educational Background: Previously completed my Honors B.Sc with a double major in Human Biology and Neuroscience at UofT (Scarborough)
Nursing Interests: Pediatrics, Mental Health, NP
Hobbies: Any outdoor activities! I plan to go camping at least once a month this summer, but let’s see how that goes
Fun Fact: I love to knit and crochet!
Advice: “Do something your future self will thank you for!”
Message: Tashi Delek (how to say hi in Tibetan, my native tongue)! I am super excited to continue to be a part of 2NA and help each other grow!
Vice President
Hermila Demelie (she/her)

About me:
Program: 2nd Entry Nursing
Cohort: Class of 2023
Educational Background: I have a degree from Ryerson University, where I majored in Biomedical Science and minored in Psychology.
Nursing Interests: I’m constantly changing my mind, but right now I am interested in L&D, OR, and aesthetics nursing
Hobbies: I really enjoy cooking and watching movies and tv shows
Fun Fact: I used to practice martial arts
Message: Hey guys! I am really excited to be continuing with the 2NA team and hoping that we have a great year together!
Lead operating officer
Cody Nguyen (he/him)

About me:
Program: 2nd Entry Nursing
Cohort: Class of 2023
Educational Background: Honours Bachelor of Science in Psychology at York University
Nursing Interests: I want to try out almost all areas of nursing. But for now, I am interested in emergency nursing, travel nursing, and becoming a Nurse Practitioner.
Hobbies: I like watching movies, and going for hikes and jogs in the summer. I also like trying different food places in Toronto with my friends.
Fun Fact: I taught myself to bake and cook a lot during the early stages of the pandemic.
Advice: Take care of yourself, studying is very important but you also need to have a healthy balance between studying and doing things you like to take care of yourself.
Message: Hello everyone, I look forward to meeting and interacting with you at our 2NA events. We are going to have a great year and we are all here for your support!
Academics branch
academic director
Sandy (Si Yu) Chen (she/her)

About me:
Program: 2nd Entry Nursing
Cohort: Class of 2023
Educational Background: HBSc at UofT
Nursing Interests: NP, NICU, Oncology
Hobbies: Reading, Art, Music, Gaming, Being in nature
Fun Fact: I have a lot of poop themed plushies, the emoji and cute versions :)
Advice: Take every good opportunity that comes your way
Message: Hi everyone! I can’t wait to go through the next year and a half with you all and I am really excited to continue to be a part of 2NA. I hope we all make unforgettable memories here that will last us a lifetime!
Tasnim Geedi (she/her)

About me:
Program: 2nd Entry Nursing
Cohort: Class of 2024
Educational Background: I recently graduated from UofT with honors in Neuroscience and then I realized the academia life is simply not for me.
Nursing Interests: Trauma, NP and definitely Travel Nursing (honestly I see myself doing a complete 180 after finishing consolidation)
Hobbies: Thrifting, procedural dramas and eating spinach dip
Fun Fact: I finally learned how to ride a bike this year?
Advice: go to office hours!!!
Message: Hello!! I’m so excited to be working with all of you this year, don’t be a stranger – especially if you have any good book recs :)
Associate Academic Coordinator
Josephine Okyere (she/her)

About me:
Program: 2nd Entry Nursing
Cohort: Class of 2024
Educational Background: Completed 4 years and graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Child Health at Brock University
Nursing Interests: NICU & Labor & Delivery (However, I feel like this would change once I complete the program 😅)
Hobbies: I love to Travel (recently went to Jamaica in June 🏝); I also love to read (Current read: Seven Days in June by Tia Williams 📖)
Fun Fact: I used to play the piano (And I still can, kind of 😂); I’ve also swam with dolphins 🐬
Advice: MAKE FRIENDS IN NURSING SCHOOL! They may turn into lifelong friendships 😊; Also, focus on what you can control and enjoy the little things in life!
Message: I’m super excited to be involved with 2NA and work with everyone this year! Feel free to message me or say Hi whenever you see me on campus 🤗
Associate Academic Coordinator
Nyota-Omba Uhala (she/her)

About me:
Program: 2nd Entry Nursing
Cohort: Class of 2024
Educational Background: 3 years of Health Studies and graduated with a Bachelor’s of Health Studies.
Nursing interest: Travel nurse and pediatrics care
Fun fact: French is my first language
Hobbies: Reading books (mostly mystery and fantasy) and I love to cook. Also a big Memphis Grizzlies fan.
Advice: Put yourself out there! It may be challenging but it's better to get out of your comfort zone. You miss 100 percent of the shots you do not take.
Message: Hello Everyone! I am really looking forward to meeting everyone and being a part of the 2NA team.
Communications Branch
Marketing director
Sophie Gosselin (she/her)

About me:
Program: 2nd Entry Nursing
Cohort: Class of 2023
Educational Background: I have a BA in Psychology from McGill University with minors in Environment and International Development Studies
Nursing Interests: It’s hard to choose just one but forensic nursing and mental health are what drew me to nursing
Hobbies: Anything arts and crafts! I love making things with my hands.
Fun Fact: I have a twin!
Advice: Surround yourself with people who inspire you :)
Message: Hi everyone! I’m so excited to be joining the 2NA team. I feel so lucky to be part of such a great group both at 2NA and in this cohort. I look forward to interacting with you all in this role and again in the future as nurses!
Diversity and inclusivity director
Ishdeep Kullar (she/her)

About me:
Program: 2nd Entry Nursing
Cohort: Class of 2023
Educational Background: Completed a BSc. Hons Psychology degree at York University.
Nursing Interests: Nurse Practitioner
Hobbies: Finding new films and talking about the ones I already watched. Going on walks, car karaoke to songs from the 80s to 2000s, and stress cooking!
Fun Fact: Most likely watched every show and movie on Netflix.
Advice: When you feel as though the stress is building up, a short walk outside can help a lot! Switch up study spaces and try avoiding a repetitive routine.
Message: Hello everyone! Thrilled to continue to be a part of the 2NA team. I look forward to meeting everyone!
Internal Relations Director
Selasi Bruce-Kemevor (she/her)

About me:
Program: 2nd Entry Nursing
Cohort: Class of 2023
Educational Background: 2 years of Psychology then switched into the Second Entry Program at York last year.
Nursing Interests: ICU, OR, PACU, Flight Nurse (definitely want to travel nurse in the future!)
Hobbies: Yoga, Pilates, Anime, Manga, KDramas, Cooking (still working on this one haha)
Fun Fact: I actually just finished my training to become an aquafit instructor🥳
Advice: “Utilize note sharing! Trust me it really helps to cover all the content when you work together. Also, talk to people in the program, it makes the experience 10x better!
Message: Heyy everyone! I’m super excited to be apart of 2NA this year and work with such amazing individuals- also feel free to msg me about literally anything! Especially plans involving food or karaoke
Social Branch
Social Director
Anisha Thadani (she/her)

About me:
Program: 2nd Entry Nursing
Cohort: Class of 2024
Educational Background: I did 3 years in BSc Psychology at York and decided Nursing was better suited to my liking
Nursing Interests: Mental health, Peds or even Aesthetic. Travel Nursing (still figuring out what I like)
Hobbies: I love to paint, thrift, and find hidden gems in music and TV
Fun Fact: I’m double jointed which freaks people out
Advice: You don’t have to go at the same speed as everyone else around you. If you need a break or to slow down, there’s no harm. Your goal will still be accomplished in the end.
Message: Hey everyone! I’m very excited to be a part of this amazing team. Look forward to some fun events and if you have any ideas don’t be shy to reach out, your ideas matter more than ours :)
Associate Social Events Coordinator
Rida Ahmed (she/her)

About me:
Program: 2nd Entry Nursing
Cohort: Class of 2024
Educational Background: I did 3 years of Chemistry at York then switched into Second Entry nursing
Nursing Interests: Initial interest was pediatrics but I’m looking forward to learning more about all the different options!
Hobbies: playing soccer, baking, watching movies, and going on spontaneous outdoor adventures
Fun Fact: I never thought I’d go into nursing lol I started off as a baker
Advice: Go out of your comfort zone, don’t be afraid to approach people first, and remember we’re all in this together (...i never actually watched HSM…)
Message: Hi everyone, I’m super excited to be a part of 2NA! I look forward to meeting lots of new people and working with our awesome team to create and deliver amazing events for you all :)
Active Living Officer
Nikki Khoshnood (she/her)

About me:
Program: 2nd Entry Nursing
Cohort: Class of 2024
Educational Background: I completed my bachelors in Health Sciences and graduated with honors from Wilfrid Laurier University (go Golden Hawks woohoo!)
Nursing Interests: My past clinical experience has me leaning towards emergency medicine, or OR nursing, as well as future NP roles
Hobbies: Despite the sweatpants you will often see me in, I have a passion for fashion and I would definitely call myself a ‘gym rat’
Fun Fact: Growing up I had a borderline unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter, read the books over and over, collected memorabilia and could quote almost any film scene.
Advice: There are 8 billion people in the world: you can choose to try to do it on your own, or you can realize sooner rather than later, your cohort is there to uplift you! Together we are smarter and stronger.
Message: Hi everyone! I am super excited to be a part of the 2NA team and I look forward to meeting you, and having a successful year together.
Student representatives branch
Lead Cohort Representative
Javaria Arif (she/her)

About me:
Program: 2nd Entry Nursing
Cohort: Class of 2023
Educational Background: I did 2 years of Kinesiology at York in which I later decided I’d rather do nursing and here I am
Nursing Interests: I would love to work in the NICU and pediatrics, but am also interested in working in the ER as well as the mental health unit
Hobbies: I love fitness and nutrition, play multiple sports, and I am a HUGE animal lover
Fun Fact: Ask me about my cat's 2nd owner :)
Advice: Make friends, share your notes and it will make it that much easier to get through your course
Message: Hey everyone, I am super excited to be part of 2NA, feel free to come say hi, I promise I don’t bite. I look forward to meeting everyone and hope to have a successful and memorable year.
Associate Lead Cohort Representative
Tamar Weekes (she/her)

About me:
Program: 2nd Entry Nursing
Nursing Interests: Emergency, Pediatric, Labor & Delivery, NICU
Hobbies: All things adventurous, biking, going to the beach, watching anime, cuddling with my cat - if you were wondering, his name is Gemini
Fun Fact: I can put my leg behind my head
Advice: “Take each day one step at a time,” and before you know it, you’ll be at the finish line
Message: As I say “Hello” in the languages of my fellow executives - Tashi Delek, Sat Sri Akal, Xin Chao, Salam, Ni Hao, Bonjour, Assalam o Alaikum - I’d like to greet everyone and express my excitement to be a part of 2NA with such a diverse group of people! I can’t wait to get out of my comfort zone and contribute to 2NA and the nursing community in a meaningful way. I look forward to growing and glowing with you all.
Associate Cohort Representative
Teenie Trac (she/her)

About me:
Program: 2nd Entry Nursing
Cohort: Class of 2024
Educational Background: I did 3 years of my undergraduate degree in the Medical Sciences program at Western University. So this is my first degree I will be completing, which is pretty exciting and scary!
Nursing Interests: Cosmetic/Aesthetic Nursing, Pediatric Nursing and Medical Derm Nursing, but who really knows haha. I am excited to explore the endless options!
Hobbies: I started my own small business as a lash extension technician!! I love bonding with my clients and creating beautiful designs - the new fav is a wispy volume iykyk ;). I also love painting with watercolors.
Fun Fact: My ethnicity is a blend of two asians! Malaysian and Vietnamese
Advice: My advice with school is to not compare with others. Which is easier said than done haha, I know. But it’s your own life, you get to go at your own pace.
Message: Hey everyone!! I am super excited for the new year. If you recognize me on campus or in class, please don’t be afraid to say hi!! I love making new friends, especially in our program because everyone literally has their own story that is SO unique.
Associate Cohort Representative
Samuel Neal (he/him)

About me:
Program: 2nd Entry Nursing
Cohort: Class of 2024
Educational Background: 2 years of Biomedical science then switched and got a BSc Honours degree in Kinesiology at York
Nursing Interests: I’m interested in Geriatrics, NP, and the more I hear about it in the lectures, Public Health. Though it’ll probably change again by next week
Hobbies: I’m really into gaming (league of legends mainly) and sports (massive soccer/ man united fan). That said I’m also a huge outdoors person as I have 50 acres of forest in muskoka and I love going through walks back there with my dog
Fun Fact: I was part of the York track team that won nationals 8 years ago
Advice: Get to know your classmates! Everyone I’ve met so far in our program is great and willing to help you if you reach out and ask, so don’t be afraid :)
Message: - Hi everyone! I’m really looking forward to working with the whole 2NA team! Unfortunately for myself and everyone else I like to talk so I will apologize in advance, so please forgive me :)