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Team Roles

Listed below are the qualifications and duties of each role. 


The roles and responsibilities:

a. Provision of leadership and support of other Executives and Co-opted Executives, assisting with their roles

        as necessary.

b. Must endeavour to be available to attend board meetings in person or online throughout the year.

c. Attendance of Stong Student Clubs Council*

d. Curruate meeting agenda for 2NA bi-weekly meetings.

e. Shall contribute to the development and maintenance of a healthy team dynamic, including taking

        an active role in conflict management, when necessary.

f. Shall contribute to the development and maintenance of positive community relationships with second-entry

        nursing students, other York University organizations, and all York University students and faculty.

i. Including but not limited to

  1. Stong College Student Government (SCSG)*

  2. Nursing Students Association of York (NSAY)*

  3. Student Success Council*

*Reserves the right to appoint a delegate

g. Social Media Strategy; monitor social accounts and respond to messages (Facebook, Instagram). Collaborate        with the Marketing Director, Vice President, and Lead Operating Officer.

h. Possess voting rights.

vice President

The roles and responsibilities: 

a. Provision of assistance and support to the President in organizing and planning the operations of 2NA.

b. Complete tasks delegated by the President.

c. In the event of the President's absence or incapacitation, the Vice-President will oversee the fulfillment of the President's responsibilities.

i. Provision of support for the President, in their absence, will continue as long as the leave of absence is temporary or while a new president is being elected.

d. Maintain signing authority in conjunction with the Lead Operations Officer (LOO).

e. Maintain signing authority for Finance with the BMO club account, in conjunction with the Lead Operations

        Officer (LOO).

f. Jointly responsible for the collection and maintenance of the Student Center Office Application with the

        LOO.  May assemble an Ad Hoc Committee to this end, and co-chair with the LOO.

g. Room Booking Authority with York University Student Center (YUSC) in conjunction with the Lead Operations          Officer (LOO).

h. Support fellow Executives in club room reservations using YUSC and Temporary Use of University Space


i. Ensure 2NA compliance with the York Federation of Students (YFS), Student Community & Leadership

         Development (SCLD), Stong College, and any other neighbouring organizations.

j. Ensure compliance with Stong College Affiliation policies, including, but not limited to, Stong contact list and          FPLT training.

i. In addition, the Vice-President will be the point of contact for all communication with Stong College and the Stong College Student Council. Reserves the right to appoint a delegate.

k. Onboard individuals for special projects, when necessary

i. This task may be delegated, if necessary

l. Attend yearly Clubs 101 meetings in collaboration with the Lead Operating Officer (LOO). Reserves the right

         to appoint a delegate.

m. Collaborate with Lead Operating Officer (LOO) to ensure attendance at YFS Town Hall meetings.

n. Attend School of Nursing faculty meetings. Reserves the right to appoint a delegate.

o. Attend CCSC Student Club meetings with the college head. Reserves the right to appoint a delegate.

p. Approval of official emails in conjunction with the LOO.

q. Attend bi-weekly 2NA Board meetings.

r. Advocate for the needs of the Second-entry cohort in conjunction with Cohort Representatives, escalating as              appropriate with consultation with other Executives.

s. Social Media Strategy; monitor social accounts and respond to messages (Facebook, Instagram). Collaborate            with the Marketing Director, President, and Lead Operating Officer.

t. Possess voting rights.

The roles and responsibilities:

a. Ensure good standing with YFS, SCLD, and Stong college.

b. Signing authority for Finance with BMO Club Account.

c. Room booking with York University Student Center (YUSC).

d. Day-to-day finances:

   i. Maintain the ledger available to the membership.

e. Event Financing proposals include:

   i. Pre-event Funding Application (YFS)

  ii. Post-event Funding Application (YFS)

 iii. Relief Funding Application (YFS)

 iv. Base funding from YFS

  v. Seed funds from SCLD

 vi. Faculty of Health Funding for Events

f. Jointly responsible for the collection and maintenance of the Student Center Office Application with the VP.            May assemble an Ad Hoc Committee to this end, and co-chair with the VP.

g. Notifying Executives for general meetings.

h, Attend bi-weekly 2NA Board meetings.

i. Monitor Club Emails:


 ii. Other emails as deemed necessary by the board in conjunction with the Vice President.

j. Provide logistical assistance.

k. Internal club communications.

l. Communicate leadership and professional development opportunities.

m. Possess voting rights.


Lead operating officer (LOO)

Lead Cohort representative

The roles and responsibilities:

a. Formation of an Ad Hoc Events committee, address any outstanding issues in collaboration with NSAY and

       SoN related to the cohort.

b. Provision of mentorship to Associate Cohort Representatives.

c. Attendance at biweekly 2NA Board meetings. 

d. Attendance at NSAY Board meetings with the Internal Relations Director and one other executive member

        of 2NA, or any 3 members of the executive team if the aforementioned are not available, notify 2NA

        Board of meeting times and provide meeting minutes including, but not limited to:

           i. FHSC board meetings

         ii. SoN faculty meetings

e. Establishment of a liaison with the Undergraduate Program Director (henceforth referred to as UPD).

f. Scheduling, and attendance at, monthly meetings with UPD and Associate Cohort Representatives.

g. Establish liaisons with professors to discuss student concerns in collaboration with the Academic Director.

h. Advocacy for cohort needs, escalating as appropriate in consultation with the executive 2NA board and

       UPD & School of Nursing.

i. Facilitate check-in meetings with first-year executive members to see the progression of each individual


j. Making in-class announcements for second-entry students for the promotion of 2NA events

k. Second-year students will be prioritized for this position.

l. Possess voting rights.

Social director

The roles and responsibilities:

a. The formation of an Ad Hoc Events committee, including but not limited to:

i. Nursing Formal

b. Oversee the formation of at least one social event each month.

c. Provide mentorship to Associate Social Events Coordinators.

d. Attend bi-weekly 2NA Board meetings.

e. Attend to the mental wellness needs of the members and lead mental wellness and stress-relief activities

        and initiatives.

f. Collaborate with the Student Outreach Director, Marketing Director, and Diversity and Inclusivity Director in          social media strategy.

g. Provide post-event notes to LOO on student attendance, and general notes.

h. Establish liaison with the YU Start program to onboard first-year students during the summer of admission.

i. Provide support to prospective second-entry nursing students. 

j. Support Clubs week, Frost Event, clubs tabling, and program information sessions.

i. Consult with UPD for other opportunities.

k. Possess voting rights.

Academic director

The roles and responsibilities:

a. Formation of Ad Hoc Academic Committee as needed.

b. Advocacy for peers (academic concerns) in collaboration with Cohort Representatives concerning:

  i. Incongruence between course goals and syllabus.

 ii. Academic workload and deadlines.

iii. Appeal and reprisal support in the form of resources.

c. Provision of mentorship and leadership to Associate Academic Director and Associate Academic


d. Liaise with NSAY-NSTAMP, if possible and applicable.

e. Provision of academic-focused events, and skills as needed, for second-year, 2nd-Entry nursing students.

f. Attendance at the bi-weekly 2NA Board meetings.

g. Attendance of monthly Student Success Meetings with Stong College.

h. Possess voting rights.

internal relations director

The roles and responsibilities:

a. Attendance at NSAY Board meetings with the Internal Relations Director and one other executive member

         of 2NA, or any 3 members of the executive team if the aforementioned are not available, notify 2NA                  Board of meeting times and provide meeting minutes including, but not limited to:

 i. FHSC board meetings

ii. SoN faculty meetings

b. Attendance of monthly Student Success Meetings with Stong College.

c. Ensure good standing with YFS, SCLD, and Stong college.

d. Attendance at the bi-weekly 2NA Board meetings.

e. Liaison with other clubs for purposes of collaboration, including but not limited to:

i. Stong College Student Government (SCSG) Executive including but not limited to Commuter        

f. Attendance of Stong College Student Government (SCSG) monthly meetings. Reserves the right to appoint


i. Including but not limited to: attending at least one AGM, and attending at least one event hosted by

     the SCSG.

g. Establish liaison with NSAY-NSTAMP if possible.

h. Possess voting rights.

marketing director

The roles and responsibilities:

a. Provide assistance to the Student Outreach Director with social media strategy.

b. Provision of social media support for the Student Outreach Director, including, but not limited to,

         Facebook and Instagram.

c. Responsible for maintenance of 2NA website.

d. Promote engagement by collaborating with the Social Director for new student-specific events.

e. Promotion of events or opportunities on or off campus pertinent to the interest of second-entry nursing


f. Social Media Strategy; monitor social accounts. Collaborate with the Social Director, Associate Social

       Director, and Diversity and Inclusivity Director.

g. Attendance at the bi-weekly 2NA Board meetings.

h. Possess voting rights.

diversity and inclusivity director

The roles and responsibilities:

a. Ensure that 2NA is using a proactive approach to inclusivity within the nursing cohort.

b. Raise awareness of pertinent social justice issues to the nursing cohort via the bi-weekly newsletter.

c. Collaborate and assist the Marketing Director, Social Director, and Associate Social Director with social

        media strategy.

  i. Inform 2NA executive team of specific (present and historical) events and/or significant dates, as well

    as any social justice issues related to nursing.

d. Develop workshops and events that effectively promote diversity.

 i. Collaborate with other student-led, nursing, and grassroots organizations.

ii. Liaise with York University organizations such as the Harriet Tubman Institute of York University.

e. Provide support and resources to diverse students within the second-entry cohort.

f. Advocate for cultural diversity within the 2NA team. Ensure executive members embrace and understand

        differing perspectives.

g. Familiarize with York University Policies & Procedures and York University Resources/Guides regarding

        diversity, inclusivity, accessibility, and accommodations.

h. Possess voting rights.

i. An individual from an underrepresented group such as BIPOC/LGBTQQIP2SAA, neurodivergent, and/or

        students with a disability are preferred for this role.

associate academic director

The roles and responsibilities:

a. Provide support and assistance to the Academic Director.

b. Advocacy for peers (academic concerns) in collaboration with Academic Director, Associate Academic

       Coordinators, and Cohort Representatives concerning:

  i. Incongruence between course goals and syllabus

 ii. Academic workload and deadlines.

iii. Appeal and reprisal support

c. Liaise with NSAY-NSTAMP, if possible and applicable

d. Attendance at the bi-weekly 2NA Board meetings

e. First-year students are preferred for this role.

f. If the position remains vacant after elections, the roles and responsibilities will be assumed by the Associate

       Academic Coordinators.

associate academic coordinator

The roles and responsibilities:

a. Provide support and assistance to the Academic Director.

b. Formation of Ad Hoc Academic Committee as needed.

c. Establish liaison with NSAY-NSTAMP if possible.

d. Provision of academic-focused events, and skills as needed, for first year, 2nd-Entry nursing students.

e. Attendance at biweekly 2NA Board meetings.

f. First-year students should be prioritized for this role.

associate lead cohort representative

The roles and responsibilities:

a. Provide support and assistance to Lead Cohort Representative.

b. Attendance at NSAY Board meetings with the Internal Relations Director and one other executive member

        of 2NA, or any 3 members of the executive team if the aforementioned are not available, notify 2NA

        Board of meeting times and provide meeting minutes including, but not limited to:

 i. FHSC board meetings

ii. SoN faculty meetings

c. Attendance of monthly meetings with UPD with the Lead Cohort Representative and Associate Cohort


d. Establish liaison with professors to discuss student concerns in collaboration with the Lead Cohort

        Representative, Academic Director, and Associate Academic Director.

e. Advocacy for cohort needs, in discussion with the Lead Cohort Representative.

f. Making in-class announcements for second-entry students for the promotion of 2NA events

g. Attendance of bi-weekly 2NA board meetings.

associate cohort representative

The roles and responsibilities:

a. Establish liaison between the students and faculty, as well as NSAY/2NA/NSTAMP.

b. Recognition of the needs of students and facilitate their advocacy.

c. Attendance at NSAY board meetings.

d. Attendance at bi-weekly 2NA board meetings.

e. Representatives on the NSAY Executive board.

f. Making in-class announcements for second-entry students for the promotion of 2NA events First-year

      students should be prioritized for this role.

g. Attendance of monthly meetings with UPD with the Lead Cohort

h. Representative and Associate Lead Cohort Representative

i. Attend biweekly 2NA Board meetings.

associate Social events coordinator

The roles and responsibilities:

a. Support Social Director and Marketing Director. Collaborate with the Diversity and Inclusivity Director.

b. Formation of an Ad Hoc Events committee.

c. Development and management of one social event each month in collaboration with the Social Director.

d. Attendance at bi-weekly 2NA Board meetings.

e. Work alongside the Director of Social to plan and carry out events.

f. Provide post-event notes to LOO on student attendance, and general notes.

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